widget weather
Makes bad weather look good!

Even bad weather can be forecasted beautifully

Get the weather forecast in your own style!

Choose your forecast style

The detailed weather forecast uses the shortest available timeperiods. For OpenWeatherMap it's always 3 hours, but for met.no it can be from 1 to 6 hours depending on location and time span.

Graph view (Meteogram)

Graph view and day colors

With the graph view you get a quick look at the next 24 hour forecast. The white line is the temperature and the blue columns are percipitation. If a min-max forecast is available for percipitation, the blue columns are minimum and the white columns maximum percipitation. In the top view you see the details for the current weather forecast

You can select a day from the daily forecast to see the graph overview for the day. To go back to current forecast and next 24h meteogram, just press the selected day again to unselect it.

If you would like to see more detailed forecast for a time period you can touch the graph and a red line pops up showing you the selected time period. The detail view on top will now show you the details for the selected period instead of the current weather. Move your finger left/right while touching to move the red line and update the details on top. When you let go the details revert to the current time forecast.
This also works for any selected day, but when you let go, the details will revert to the daily "mid day forecast" for the selected day.

List view

List view and night colors

With the list view you get a scrollable list for a quick look at the next 24 hour forecast. In the top view you see the details for the current weather forecast

You can select a day from the daily forecast to get a scrollable list for that day. To go back to current forecast and next 24h list, just press the selected day again to unselect it.

If you would like to see more detailed forecast for a time period you can just select it. The detail view on top will now show you the details for the selected period instead of the current weather. Unselect by tapping the selected period to have the details revert to the current time forecast.
This also works for any selected day, but when unselected, the details will revert to the daily "mid day forecast" for the selected day.

Background colors

The background color of the app will change between light and dark to reflect day/night for the selected forecast period. You can disable this in the settings by enabling the "high contrast" switch. You can also choose between different colors to match your favorite weather symbols and also change the font

Apple Watch support

widget weather now supports Apple Watch
Here's how the watch app looks like with static weather symbols:

Animated weather symbols are also supported on the watch:

Forecast services


met.no is the Norwegian Metrological Institute. Their weather forecast can be found at yr.no which is the joint online weather service from MET Norway and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). yr.no offers weather forecasts in English (in additon to Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål) for more than 900.000 places in Norway and 8.3 million places worldwide.
Weather forecasts on yr.no are based on data provided by Norwegian Meteorological Institute and its international partner institutions such as European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).


openweathermap.org provides open weather data for more than 200,000 cities and any geo location. The ideology of their service is inspired by OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia that make information free and available for everybody. OpenWeatherMap provides a wide range of weather data including current weather, forecast, precipitations, wind, clouds, data from weather stations, lots of maps, analytics and many others. They have their own model of weather calculation that involves global meteorological broadcast data, own WRF calculation for regions and real-time data from more than 40,000 weather stations.

Your choice

It's easy to switch between them, so choose whichever forecast service you find to be most accurate for your location.


Multilingual forecasts

Forecasts from openweathermap.org is available in: English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.

Forecasts from met.no is available in: English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.

Multilingual menus

The set up menu is available in English, Chinese Simplified, Danish, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.

Icon sets


This icon set was made by Adam Whitcroft. The color has been changed to fit the dark background of the today view in iOS
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://adamwhitcroft.com/climacons/

yr.no icon set

This is the previous official icon set from yr.no
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://om.yr.no/forklaring/symbol/


This icon set was made by AlexJMiller.
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://alexjmiller.deviantart.com/art/Weathercons-330912157

Weather by Symbolicons.com

This is icon set was mabe by Jory Raphael at SYMBOLICONS
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://symbolicons.com/#Weather


This is the weather icons from the oxygen-icons theme.
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: https://github.com/pasnox/oxygen-icons-png/tree/master/oxygen

openweathermap.org icon set

This is the official icon set from openweathermap.org
This icon set is not optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens, but may be used on older devices.
Link: http://openweathermap.org/weather-conditions

Revelio and Frio Xmas

Theese icon sets was made by Hamsterwheel.
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://keepcalmandberryonberryweather.blogspot.no/

"The Monocrome set" in color

This icon set was made by Mike Afford, former Senior Designer at BBC News.
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens and there is also an animated version!
Link: http://www.mikeafford.com/store/product/weather-icon-set-ms-02.html

Pixeled weather

This icon set was made exclusively for widget weather by Trond Rossvoll, the developer of widget weather. The color has been changed to fit the dark background of the today view in iOS
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens and there is also an animated version!

Sunny Icons and Sunny icons with a smile

This is icon set was mabe by Hand-drawn goods
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: https://creativemarket.com/Handdrawngoods/87012-Sunny-Icons-90-weather-icons

Tick Weather

This is icon set was mabe by Xiao4
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://xiao4.deviantart.com/art/tick-weather-icons-96294478

Google Now weather icons

This is icon set was mabe by NCrystal
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://ncrystal.deviantart.com/art/Google-Now-Weather-Icons-597652261

yr.no new icon set

This is the new official icon set from yr.no
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://om.yr.no/forklaring/symbol/

Sticker Weather icons

This is icon set was mabe by KorToIk
This icon set is optimized for both Retina and Retina HD screens
Link: http://kortoik.deviantart.com/art/Sticker-Weather-Icons-78827487

Your favorite?

There is a contact form in the top menu, feel free to request your favorite icon set to be added to widget weather!

Video preview

App Store preview video for widget weather 2.0 on iPhone 6

Check out widget weather on youtube for more videos

This is what a few users said

widget weather news

  • widget weather v2.4 released

    -iOS 11 ready
    -Updated for iPhone X
    -New app icon
    -New yr.no icon set
    -weather forecast in Arabic
    -Forecast info includes GPS coordinates and Location ID
    -Option to force update from Apple Watch
    -Save a GPS location to the location list
    -iPad split view support
    -Graph animation is now optional
    -It’s now easier to add locations from the location list menu
    -Bug fixes and performance improvements

    All known bugs have been fixed

    widget weather
    January 3rd 2018

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You're welcome to request new features, your native language to be added, or tell the developer what you thing of this app. Use the contact form in the top menu or contact us on social media.

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If you do app reviews of any kind or write/blog about apps and would like to test widget weather we would be happy to provide you with a promotional copy.
You may register your request here: http://redeemco.com/r/widget-weather/
You can also use the contact form available in the top menu